Sunday, February 14, 2010

Kill Cap and Trade and Hang the Progressives from the Yardarm

Can anyone just come out and say it? No?

I will;

Fraud, on an epic proportion

We are witness today one of most distasteful and unmitigated frauds ever perpetuated on the the Human Race, our Government and our Citizens.

With the revelations exposed in the London Times about the lie and lies of global warming, I am demanding that the U.S. Congress stop any and all funding of said "green projects" that were/are designed to mitigate the now extinct 'Global Warming Problem", any projects, research, or any other noun associated with the discovery, study, counsel, advisory board etc that is funded by the United States Government vis-a-vis the American Taxpayer stop.

I demand that the GAO launch a fraud investigation into the expense and waste to the American Taxpayer on a direct and indirect level.

From the grocery bags used in the Military Exchanges, to the Billions of Dollars wasted on new satellites for imagery of the Arctic. Every Dollar must be accounted for.
I can already hear the critics "It will cost millions to do that" So what! We, Americans deserve nothing less than a total accounting of it.

305 million Americans have altered their lives, paid undue taxes, and were levied unnecessary fee's. Our children have been taught in our schools and on Federally funded commercials either T.V. or radio that this is a problem and it's all a LIE!

If I were in Congress today, I would initiate a total recall of all marketing and educational material the U.S. Taxpayer was deceived into purchasing in order to perpetuate this absurdity, and I would also demand all funds paid to any external U.S. Government body, group, individual. and molecule be accounted for and sent to the Attorney General of the United States Office for intimidate litigation for the repatriation of U.S. Taxpayer Funds, and the freezing of all assets associated with this prevarication until a U.S. Court has determined if any monies are due to the People of these United States of America.

Michael J. Wardell Sr.
Candidate for Congress, Mo. 7th District.

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