Saturday, February 13, 2010

Notes From Lincoln Days Dinner

I woke up this morning thinking about what I wanted to say tonight. I had a standard speech about lowering taxes and slinging mud and the opposition... Boring.

Maybe I'll tease Sen Nodler about his lobbyist friends, or poke fun at Billy Long about raising Half a Million Dollars for a 174K job. maybe not.

Many have asked me why? Why are you running? Why now?.

Was it to get a job? Boost my Ego? No.

I took an oath to support and defend the Constitution, and that oath has no expiration date. I couldn't stand around and let my country continue down the path that it was one without standing up and doing something about it.

So I tossed in my hat and started listening to folks. I heard a lot of things, and many of those things are the same things that you and I want. Smaller Gov. Cut spending, cut taxes.
But let's face facts all of us are similar, about 85% the same. Some day we will have a debate or some similar format and drill down on a few items that we may differ on, but that's it.

This Election, in this district is more than those things I mentioned earlier.
The three most important things in this election are:

Character, Integrity, and Leadership

Lincoln spoke of Character, he said something like "If you want to see the true character of a man, give him power"
Look at the White House, and you can see a 'true character'

We can't fix the problems of our Nation without them, and at the same time we see the result when a group doesn't.

L&G, I Can't lower your taxes or build a Nuclear Power Plant in the district, I can't solve your problems, But I can work to get Government out of the way so you can.

I"m not perfect guy just a normal one that believe in the ethos I spoke of tonight,

Character, Integrity and Leadership are what this election is about, and that is what I want to take to D.C..

Thant is the only promise I'll ever make.

Thank You.

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